Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Monday to you all. How are you? Things are a little hectic here at the moment, so we need to discuss a temporary scheduling issue. Dad Clutter just moved, so trying to help him may keep us out of the office for a few days, and things might still be a little disorganized after that for a stretch. We'll be here as often as we can, and we appreciate your patience during this transition. Now, let's get to work. BDH and Little Buddha made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. I tell you, the weeks have been flying by recently. Maybe it's connected to the earlier sunsets or something, but it feels like it was just Monday. In any case, what's on tap for the weekend? I suspect we have some running around to do here, but hopefully there will also be time for some reading, because BDH and Little Buddha love their new library book. Are you ready to scroll through the headlines? Let's do this. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? Our crew is doing pretty well at the moment. I caught up on most of the errands yesterday, including finding BDH and Little Buddha a new book to read from the library. It's another one from the author who wrote the trilogy they recently devoured, and it's a long story, so hopefully it will last them a while. I skipped one item on the to-do list. You ever procrastinate on a simple task and somehow manage to turn it into a much bigger deal? That's what I've done here, so let's see if we can... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. Sorry we missed you yesterday. Something came up, and we had to put most of the to-do list on hold. BDH and Little Buddha said today's weather forecast sounds terrific, so I'll probably just catch up on yesterday's list, including stopping by the bookstore and library to find those two something new to read. Are you ready to get down to business? Let's do it. The guys made coffee, so grab yourself a nice medium DD, because it's time to clear out some Wednesday Clutter. If you would like to support us, we'd be thrilled if... Read more →


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Monday Clutter: Vice President Harris, Trump, the IRS, Apple, Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, Dak Prescott, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Linkin Park, Filter, and more

Hi everyone, Welcome back. How was your weekend? It was pretty good on this end. The weather was great, our car passed inspection (which is always appreciated), and then the New England Patriots pleasantly surprised the hell out of us yesterday. (More on that later.) All in all, it was a nice time. However, this morning got off to a rude start. It's currently 46 degrees! What's that all about? Don't care for that one bit. BDH and Little Buddha say today's high temperature will reach about 70 degrees, and the to-do list isn't that bad, so maybe we should... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Friday to you all. Man, this week went by quickly. We had a small change of plans yesterday. I was in the middle of doing errands, when I saw the Red Cross was holding a blood drive in the neighborhood. I've been disqualified for almost 25 years, due to a semester abroad in the U.K. during the "mad cow disease scare" in the 1990's. However, that ban was recently lifted, so I made an appointment to donate in the afternoon. It's an easy way to save lives, it only takes a few minutes,... Read more →


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Hi everyone, How are you? Our crew is doing well at the moment, although we're still getting used to the later sunrises. It was easier to get out of bed when it wasn't still dark outside. Those of you who were here yesterday know we had a big debate over whether to focus on the to-do list or just read one of our new books. After extensive discussion, we reached a compromise: I did all of the errands, and then we spent the rest of the day reading. It worked out well. The weather was lovely, and BDH and Little... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? Yesterday was a mixed bag here. I had to spend part of the day dealing with someone who currently dislikes me, and that's never fun. However, I also had a really nice conversation with an old friend last night, which was just what I needed for multiple reasons. Plus, I found two books for BDH and Little Buddha! One came from the library, and the other one is from the bookstore*, so the guys should be set for at least a little while. (*I caved and bough the final installment of the trilogy... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back. How are you? Our crew had a nice day yesterday. We managed to work in both a bike ride and some garden time. Now, BDH and Little Buddha were just discussing how there's no getting around the fact that the sunrises are about an hour later than they used to be, so we can't use them for a natural alarm clock anymore. What is this, September or something? I think today's to do-list is a little on the long side (including a trip to both the bookstore and library), so let's get to work. The guys... Read more →


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Hi everyone, Welcome back, and a happy Labor Day to you all. We hope you're enjoying the long weekend. Things have generally been quiet on this end, which is fine with us. The one problem is that I forgot the library is closed on Sunday, and now it's closed today because of the holiday. Thus, BDH and Little Buddha don't have anything new to read right now. The guys say not to worry about it, and that they can wait until it reopens tomorrow. Man, I wish I went with the flow as well as those two do every day.... Read more →


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